Home Page CEOP


Parents of children wishing to enter St. John’s should make an application directly to the Local Authority (LA). Application forms are available from Salford City Council Children’s Services Directorate. Tel: 0161 778 0466


Admissions criteria

As a controlled primary school our admissions policy adheres to the LA guidelines as follows:

School must admit all children with a statement of SEN naming the school. The following criteria will then be applied to all applicants:

  1. Looked after children
  2. Children in need
  3. Medical reason for attending the school
  4. Sibling in attendance at the school when pupil is to be admitted
  5. Distance from school – this may vary from year to year


Our standard admissions number (as set by the LA) is 60 per age group from Reception to Year 6.  Our nursery accommodates up to 26 full time places.

We are regularly oversubscribed in year groups and if your application for a place is unsuccessful you have the right to appeal.  Details of this procedure will be sent to you and are also available from the school office upon request. You can also find information and appeal online by following the link below. 


Before deciding that we are the school for your child(ren), we would like you to visit us.  The Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher will show you around to give you an opportunity to see school at work and answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
