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Parental Involvement

It is important that parents are fully involved in their child’s education and we endeavour to establish good relationships with our parents / carers.


Reporting to Parents

At St. John’s, We have a Parents’ Evening each term where you are encouraged to come and discuss your child’s progress. Written reports are also sent out annually. This includes children in the Foundation Stage.


Home – School – Child Agreement

In order to tie in our responsibilities as a school, with the commitment we expect from you as parents and the children as pupils, we ask all parents / carers and children to read and sign into a ‘Home School Agreement’.



Parents are warmly encouraged to come into school to help. This could be as a volunteer in the classroom, listening to individual children read or as support on a school trip. In order to do this, parents must complete a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Services) check.

St. John’s also have a parent /school group (Friends of St. John’s) who help with fund raising in the school. If you wish to be involved in any aspects of school life, please enquire in school.

