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Health and Safety TOR


Terms of reference of the Buildings, Premises and Health and Safety Committee



5 governors, one of whom will act as chair.

The current membership of the committee is:


  1. Mr Matt Vickers
  2. Mrs Sarah Rubin
  3. Ms P Manley
  4. Mrs K Wain



  • To be appointed by the committee
  • The governing body can remove the chair at any time.




3 governors.



  • Meetings will be held at least once each term.
  • The chair can convene extra committee meetings if required but must give at least 7 days clear notice.


Agendas & papers for the meeting


To be circulated to all governors one week before the meeting by the chair of the committee. Accompanying papers to be circulated to members of the committee only.


Minutes/ confidential minutes

To be circulated to all members as soon as possible after the date of the meeting, or with the agenda papers for the next full governing body meeting.


Minutes to include a brief summary of items discussed, decisions made and any questions raised by governors and responses given and/or a record of any proposals or recommendations for the governing body to consider, and clear reasons for any decisions taken.



Membership, terms of reference and working procedures to be reviewed annually at the autumn term governing body meeting.


This committee is responsible for:

  1. To ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare of staff, pupils and visitors and to promote co-operation between all employees at the school to achieve and maintain a safe and healthy work place for staff, pupils and visitors.
  2. To appoint one of the Governors to be the Governor for Health and Safety;
  3. To guide and monitor the Head teacher to ensure that he/she keeps health and safety as a high priority in the day-to-day management of the school;
  4. Ton annually monitor, review and amend school health and safety policy arising from Health & Safety legislation and advice from the Local Authority, the Diocese when applicable, DfE and Health and Safety Executive and where necessary to draw up and issue its own policies and guidance on curricular and non-curricular topics and to ensure that policies and guidance are drawn to the attention of staff.
  5. To receive any H&S audit reports (including asbestos, legionella, gates safety survey) and monitor the implementation of any recommendations. It is desirable that governors participate in inspections from time to time.
  6. To review regular reports on the conditions of the building and grounds survey and ensure any identified issues are addressed. 
  7. To monitor accident reports and fire drills and ensure any identified risks are addressed.
  8. To monitor that all required risk assessments are in place and carried out by the school.
  9. To monitor that all school trips take place in accordance with all the legislation, guidance and school adopted policies related to educational trips and visits. 
  10. To approve H&S priorities to be included in the School Improvement Plan and budget management plan. 
  11. To monitor and review the school security plan 
  12. To monitor and review the school asset management plan.
  13. To ensure that the school has an emergency plan and business continuity plan agreed and in place and it is reviewed every 12 months.
  14. To carry out an annual appraisal of the safety performance of the school and include this in its annual report to parents. 
  15. To discuss and resolve so far as is reasonably practicable, health and safety issues at meetings of the Governing Body.
  16. To communicate with Children's Services Directorate any matters relating to health and safety with which they need further assistance.  




