Fire Safety
Children in school have regular fire practices and are taught how to leave the building and where to congregate.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones, i-pods and games should not be brought into school as they could be lost or broken causing considerable upset. If children in Year 6 would like to bring mobile phones with them for their walk to and from school, these will be collected by the teacher, before they enter the school building and returned to them at the end of the day.
Safeguarding children
Parents need to know that it is the school’s policy to protect its pupils from all types of abuse. When we feel it is necessary, we will inform social services of our concerns. A Child Protection and Safeguarding Pupil Policy is available upon request and can be found on our website via the link below.
At St. John’s, we are committed to the safety and welfare of the children in our care.
Should a parent fail to collect a child at the appointed time the procedure is:
Designated child protection officer Mrs S Rubin (Headteacher)
Deputies: Mrs J Howley, Mrs C Knight and Mrs A Burton
Children transfer to high school education at the end of the summer term following their eleventh birthday. Our partner high school is Buile Hill Visual Arts College but we have links with Moorside High and Swinton Coop Academy amongst others. Children in Year 5 receive information about the various high schools and there is a school organised visit to Buile Hill. Regular liaison takes place between the schools to ensure continuity and progression in the curriculum for each child. See below for a link to our website page on Year 6 transition.
We have a specific policy for the administration of medication which can be accessed via the link below or you can ask the office for a copy. Inhalers for children with asthma will be stored in the classroom by the class teacher and other prescribed daily medication is kept in a safe place.