At St John’s, a child’s social and emotional well being is paramount to ensure a smooth and positive transition into school. We encourage the opportunity for visits to the setting to establish a partnership with parents. Parents/carers are invited into school with the children for an 'All About Me' meeting with the Early Years staff. This is an excellent opportunity to ask any questions and ensure all parties are ready for this new start. A one page profile is completed with parents to support with transition. Where possible, we also visit pupils at their previous setting, in order to see the child in a setting that they are familiar and secure with. We also invite children to come and visit us in June for an afternoon taster session. All of these activities create an invaluable starting point where essential information can be exchanged between staff, parents and carers. The children’s first educators are their parents and we want to encourage parents to play an active part in their child’s education and support their work within school.