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School Meals

All children are cared for at lunch times by teaching assistants, welfare assistants and play-workers. All meals are cooked on the premises and children have a healthy selection to choose from. If your child would prefer, they may bring a healthy balanced packed lunch. This should be in a named box. Packed lunches should not include fizzy drinks, sweets, crisps or chocolate / chocolate biscuits. However, each Friday children are allowed to bring a ‘treat’ into school with their packed lunch, i.e. chocolate biscuit / chocolate wafer finger / small snack size chocolate bar.


No nut based products (these are items where nuts are listed as a direct ingredient) should be brought into school. 


In the nursery, all children stay for school dinner as it is part of their nursery routine and forms part of their social development. Each child is given a set meal to try and gives the pupils experiences of different types of foods.


Reception and Key stage 1
All children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. Your child may still prefer a packed lunch which must comply with our healthy eating packed lunch guidelines.  


Payment for School Dinner: Nursery and Key stage 2 (Years 3 to 6)

Dinner money is £2.10 per day, £10.50 per week and you must be in credit on your account in order for your child to order a school dinner.

Payment is made through the online School Gateway system. Please contact the school office for information on how to set up an account for your child. You will also find a link below to a guide on how to use Meal Manager on School Gateway. 


Free School Meals
If you think that you may be entitled to free school meals, you can apply by visiting the website below. You can also contact the school office for support with this. 
