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School Standards TOR

Terms of Reference of the School Standards, Pupil Welfare and Parents’ Committee


5 governors, one of whom will act as chair.

The current membership is:

  1. Rev Pamela Manley
  2. Mrs Sarah Rubin
  3. Mr Matt Vickers
  4. Rev Gareth Thomas
  5. Mrs Megan Pemberton
  6. Ms Karen Wain
  7. Ms Leah Moores
  8. Ms Leila Nikroo





  • To be appointed by the committee
  • The governing body can remove the chair at any time.  



5 governors.



At least once a term in conjunction with the full governing body meeting and otherwise as required.



To be agreed by the chair of the committee and circulated to all governors at least one week before the meeting.  Accompanying papers to be circulated to members of the committee only.


Minutes/ confidential minutes

To be circulated to all members of the committee as soon as possible after the date of the meeting, and with the agenda papers for the next full governing body meeting, for all other governors.  Minutes to include a brief summary of items discussed, decisions made and/or a record of any proposals/recommendations for the governing body to consider, and clear reasons for decisions taken.



Membership and terms of reference to be reviewed annually at the autumn term governing body meeting



  • To monitor that the school is meeting its statutory obligations under the national curriculum requirements.
  • To ensure that enough teaching time is provided for pupils to cover the national curriculum and other statutory requirements.
  • To monitor and evaluate the progress and attainment and achievements of pupils in all subjects of the national curriculum, and in all statutory, and non-statutory areas, of school life.
  • To check to make sure the relevant assessment arrangements are implemented and to ensure the rigour of the school’s assessment process.
  • To ensure that all courses provided for pupils below the age of 19 that lead to qualifications (such as GCSEs and A Levels) are approved by the Secretary of State.
  • To review and approve the policy and provision for collective worship, and for religious education.
  • To review and approve the policy and provision for sex and relationships education.
  • To review the evidence about the quality of teaching and learning in the school and evaluate it in light of the impact on pupil achievement and attainment.
  • To review anonymous performance management targets for all staff.
  • To monitor and evaluate the use of the pupil premium funding and its impact on pupil outcomes and ensure the required information is published on the school website. 
  • To monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum strategies within the school.
  • To review performance data, any other relevant information, and evidence related to standards and achievement.
  • To monitor the achievement and attainment of the various groups of pupils in the school (including groups such as boys; girls;  pupils with SEN; pupils on free school meals; children from ethnic minorities; looked after children, most able pupils) to ensure they are making appropriate levels of progress and reaching appropriate levels of attainment.
  • To review and evaluate strategies, priorities, and targets employed by the school in order to raise the achievement of pupils and standards within the school
  • To review and approve the school’s attainment targets.
  • To  review the provision for pupils in years 8-13 access to independent careers guidance
  • To check that any specific policies and procedures required for early years are in place.
  • To monitor to ensure the governing body fulfils all its responsibilities for children with special educational needs (SEN).
  • To monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of leadership and management within the school (including governance).
  • To review and monitor the effectiveness of the governing body and make recommendations to the governing body for the development of the governing body.
  • To review the governing body code of practice and monitor its implementation ensuring that all governors sign their individual declaration on an annual basis.
  • To contribute to, monitor and approve the school Improvement/development plan.
  • To contribute to and review the school’s self-evaluation.


  • To monitor and evaluate the provision for safeguarding the welfare and well-being of all pupils, and ensuring their personal, social and educational development.
  • To promote the health, welfare and safety of pupils in line with the Every Child Matters agenda and the school’s safeguarding and child protection procedures. 
  • To review and approve any changes to the school policies on pastoral care, welfare, health and safety, pupil dress and appearance, following consultation with the HT, staff, pupils and parents.
  • To monitor, evaluate, review and approve any changes to all child protection, safeguarding and looked after children procedures and policies at least on an annual basis.
  • To monitor, evaluate and review the attainment, achievement and provision for looked after children and young carers at least on an annual basis.
  • To gather the views of pupils, parents and stakeholders about the service provided by the school and to use this information to make improvements across the school provision.
  • To provide a link to, and liaise with, the pupil’s school council and the parent’s council or consultative groups.
  • To monitor the implementation of and review and approve any changes to the school drugs policy, pupil discipline/exclusions policy, behaviour policy, anti-bullying policy, attendance policy and the school equality scheme.
  • To convene pupil disciplinary meetings when required and review pupil exclusions in line with regulations in this respect (only if no separate pupil discipline committee has been constituted)
  • To monitor the effectiveness of communication between the school and parents and other stakeholders, including reporting to parents.
  • To report to parents at least annually on the work of the governing body.
  • To liaise with the committee with responsibility for health and safety regarding the educational trips and visits policy and its implementation.
  • To review the contribution made by pupils to the local community.
  • To monitor the pupils’ attitudes, behaviour and attendance including anti-bullying strategies.
  • To promote and monitor equality and diversity issues within the school.
  • To contribute to the school improvement plan.
  • To contribute towards self-evaluation judgements.