- To monitor and evaluate the provision for safeguarding the welfare and well-being of all pupils, and ensuring their personal, social and educational development.
- To promote the health, welfare and safety of pupils in line with the Every Child Matters agenda and the school’s safeguarding and child protection procedures.
- To review and approve any changes to the school policies on pastoral care, welfare, health and safety, pupil dress and appearance, following consultation with the HT, staff, pupils and parents.
- To monitor, evaluate, review and approve any changes to all child protection, safeguarding and looked after children procedures and policies at least on an annual basis.
- To monitor, evaluate and review the attainment, achievement and provision for looked after children and young carers at least on an annual basis.
- To gather the views of pupils, parents and stakeholders about the service provided by the school and to use this information to make improvements across the school provision.
- To provide a link to, and liaise with, the pupil’s school council and the parent’s council or consultative groups.
- To monitor the implementation of and review and approve any changes to the school drugs policy, pupil discipline/exclusions policy, behaviour policy, anti-bullying policy, attendance policy and the school equality scheme.
- To convene pupil disciplinary meetings when required and review pupil exclusions in line with regulations in this respect (only if no separate pupil discipline committee has been constituted)
- To monitor the effectiveness of communication between the school and parents and other stakeholders, including reporting to parents.
- To report to parents at least annually on the work of the governing body.
- To liaise with the committee with responsibility for health and safety regarding the educational trips and visits policy and its implementation.
- To review the contribution made by pupils to the local community.
- To monitor the pupils’ attitudes, behaviour and attendance including anti-bullying strategies.
- To promote and monitor equality and diversity issues within the school.
- To contribute to the school improvement plan.
- To contribute towards self-evaluation judgements.