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Art and Design


Every child is an artist. We believe that every child should be given the foundations they need in order for their artistic creativity to grow. Our inclusive ethos enables us to adapt our curriculum to challenge each and every child. This is underpinned by our consistent high expectations, enabling all children to achieve their full artistic potential. At St. John’s, we aim to provide pupils with a high-quality art and design curriculum that will engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. The children will learn about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.



Art is taught through a variety of well-planned topics, which develop artistic skills and explore a wide range of carefully chosen artists, ensuring a depth and breadth of knowledge from Early Years to Year 6. This enables the children to develop a love for Art and the opportunity to demonstrate artistic flair as they produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences. Well-planned units of work with specific learning content allow children to develop proficiency and confidence with a range of artistic skills, including drawing, painting and sculpture. They also have the opportunity to develop the disciplinary skills needed to allow them to explore, experiment, compare and respond to art work appropriately. They will be taught to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design. Instant intervention occurs as teachers formatively assess each child during their art lessons and intervene at the first instance in order to address any misconceptions the children may have. 

Units of work are blocked within timetables to allow the children to develop their work focused on a particular outcome, in the same way an artist or designer would work.




We assess the impact of our Art and Design curriculum through careful teacher assessment and analysis of this by the subject leader. Staff use sketch books, display work, observations, floor books and children’s responses to art and artists evidenced on Seesaw to gauge a clear understanding of the children’s abilities. This ensures that all children are assessed fairly, regardless of any disadvantages and potential barriers. The Art and Design subject leader is assured of the accuracy of these judgements through moderations, professional dialogue with staff, observation of teaching, pupil learning studies and pupil voice.

Our art curriculum is a journey of developing skills and knowledge.  By the end of Key Stage 2, every child should have the skills, knowledge and experiences necessary in order to achieve their artistic dreams and to express their creativity. They will have knowledge of the art industry and the diverse roles it has to offer and a growing passion to explore these roles in the future.
