Terms of Reference of the Finance and Staffing Committee | ||
Membership | To consist of at least 6 governors, one of whom will act as chair.
The current membership is:
Chair |
Quorum |
Meetings |
Agendas | To be circulated to all governors one week before the meeting by the chair of the committee. Accompanying papers to be circulated to members of the committee only.
Minutes/ confidential minutes | To be circulated to all members as soon as possible after the date of the meeting, or with the agenda papers for the next full governing body meeting. Minutes to include a brief summary of items discussed, decisions made and/or a record of any proposals/recommendations for the governing body to consider, and clear reasons for decisions taken.
Confidential items related to pay, or individuals, are only to be circulated to members of the committee who are not paid members of staff.
Review | Membership, terms of reference and working procedures to be reviewed annually at the autumn Term governing body meeting. |
Finance Function
Pay Function
Agendas | To be circulated only to governors on the committee for ordinary meetings and in accordance with any required timescales within any Human Resources procedure being used, so they are received at least 7 days before the meeting. Accompanying papers for any appointment/hearing also only to be circulated to members of the committee who attend a specific appointment/hearing.
Minutes/ confidential minutes | Minutes to be circulated to all committee members for ordinary meetings but for any appointments/hearings only to those members who have served on the committee at that appointment/hearing, and distributed in accordance with the required timescales, within the procedure being used.
Any reports to governors who were not present at a hearing, including the full governing body, to only include a brief summary of the main issues, if appropriate, and a record of any decisions made, and/or proposals/recommendations for the governing body to consider, if appropriate, and that are also not confidential. |
Arrangements | Arrangements for any meeting that is a hearing will be made by the school/person appointed as clerk to the hearing. All other meetings to be arranged by the chair of the committee with the clerk to the committee circulating the agenda and papers to all committee members.
Review | Membership and terms of reference to be reviewed annually at the autumn term governing body meeting.
Advice | The Strategic Director for Children’s Services, or his/her representative, have the right to attend any hearing, offer advice prior to, and at any hearing, as appropriate, and subject to any service level agreement that is in place.
The remit of the Staffing Committee will be to deal with any appointments of staff as delegated to it by the governing body, to deal with issues related to staff capability, grievance, disciplinary matters including dismissals (dismissals only where the circumstances apply where the HT cannot make the decision to dismiss). The HT may attend and offer advice at all relevant proceedings.
Specifically, the terms of reference of the Staffing Committee are:
The Staffing Functions
adoption, and to ensure that staff are informed of them.
Staffing powers in exceptional circumstances*
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Associated Documents: Local and National Conditions of Service regulations and policies. All relevant employment legislation and directives (including equalities and discrimination legislation). Safer Recruitment legislation and guidance. Performance Management guidance This list is not exhaustive. |