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Finance and Staffing TOR


Terms of Reference of the Finance and Staffing Committee





To consist of at least 6 governors, one of whom will act as chair.


The current membership is:

  1. Mrs Sarah Rubin
  2. Rev. G Thomas
  3. Mr M Vickers
  4. Ms K Wain (Chair)
  5. Ms L Moores
  6. Ms L Nikroo




  • To be appointed by the committee
  •  The governing body can remove the chair at any time.  




  • 4 governors



  • Meetings will be held at least once each term.
  • The chair can convene extra committee meetings if required but must give at least 7 days clear notice.



To be circulated to all governors one week before the meeting by the chair of the committee.  Accompanying papers to be circulated to members of the committee only.


Minutes/ confidential minutes

To be circulated to all members as soon as possible after the date of the meeting, or with the agenda papers for the next full governing body meeting.  Minutes to include a brief summary of items discussed, decisions made and/or a record of any proposals/recommendations for the governing body to consider, and clear reasons for decisions taken.


Confidential items related to pay, or individuals, are only to be circulated to members of the committee who are not paid members of staff.



Membership, terms of reference and working procedures to be reviewed annually at the autumn Term governing body meeting.

Finance Function

  • To ensure that the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) criteria are met at all times and that procedures are in place to ensure this.
  • To advise and make recommendations on all financial matters.
  • To ensure that a three year financial plan and or projections, for the school, are in place and to review the plans on an annual basis.
  • To review and recommend to the governing body the financial delegation policy for approval.
  • To implement, and monitor, the scheme for financial delegation for the school.
  • To ensure that all Department for Education and local authority financial regulations are followed and adhered to.
  • To set the school budget and monitor its implementation and management on a termly basis.
  • To approve and monitor capital expenditure.
  • To review and approve any service level agreements and contracts entered into by the school and monitor the service provided.
  • To monitor the expenditure of specific designated funds.
  • To receive and approve the audited accounts for the school including the school fund.
  • To liaise on a regular basis with the staffing committee, with regards to staffing structures, and staff appointments.
  • To review all financial audit reports for the school and ensure all recommendations are implemented
  • within the required timescales.
  • To provide reliable information and make appropriate recommendations and decisions to enable the governing body to comply with required financial regulations.
  • To ensure that appropriate financial procedures are in place for all other school held funds, including annual audit of the accounts, and the school fund.


Pay Function

  • To hold an annual meeting (excluding any paid staff but including the HT) to review changes in the pay and conditions arrangements for staff, including the HT’s proposals for teachers’ pay (increments), and where required, the results of consultations with staff and their union representatives.
  • To hear an informal appeal (as the ‘decision maker’) appeals against teachers’ pay awards as outlined in the school’s pay policy.
  • To receive recommendations from the HTs Performance Management Review Panel when considering the HTs pay (paid staff of the school and the HT should withdraw for this item).
  • To consider (following the withdrawal of the HT and other paid members of the school staff from the meeting), the payment of the head teacher for the forthcoming year. Human resources are to be consulted regarding any proposals for changes in the ISR.
  • To ensure that proper liaison takes place with the city council in respect of the pay function and that procedures are in place for all necessary documentation to be supplied to the council for payroll purposes.



To be circulated only to governors on the committee for ordinary meetings and in accordance with any required timescales within any Human Resources procedure being used, so they are received at least 7 days before the meeting. Accompanying papers for any appointment/hearing also only to be circulated to members of the committee who attend a specific appointment/hearing.


Minutes/ confidential minutes

Minutes to be circulated to all committee members for ordinary meetings but for any appointments/hearings only to those members who have served on the committee at that appointment/hearing, and distributed in accordance with the required timescales, within the procedure being used. 


Any reports to governors who were not present at a hearing, including the full governing body, to only include a brief summary of the main issues, if appropriate, and a record of any decisions made, and/or proposals/recommendations for the governing body to consider, if appropriate, and that are also not confidential.





Arrangements for any meeting that is a hearing will be made by the school/person appointed as clerk to the hearing. All other

meetings to be arranged by the chair of the committee with the clerk to the committee circulating the agenda and papers to all committee members.



Membership and terms of reference to be reviewed annually at the autumn term governing body meeting.



The Strategic Director for Children’s Services, or his/her representative, have the right to attend any hearing, offer advice prior to, and at any hearing, as appropriate, and subject to any service level agreement that is in place.



The remit of the Staffing Committee will be to deal with any appointments of staff as delegated to it by the governing body, to deal with issues related to staff capability, grievance, disciplinary matters including dismissals (dismissals only where the circumstances apply where the HT cannot make the decision to dismiss). The HT may attend and offer advice at all relevant proceedings.


Specifically, the terms of reference of the Staffing Committee are:


The Staffing Functions

  • To review, agree and implement the procedures for the recruitment, selection and appointment of teaching and support staff, including those on the leadership pay spine. 
  • The full governing body will seek the appropriate advice and support (this may be from the school Human Resources Adviser, and School Improvement Officer or External Consultant) for the appointment of a HT and Deputy HT.
  • To review and approve all policies relating to staffing matters as required.
  • To ensure that procedures are in place for managing staffing issues, through adoption of local authority model policies and to ensure that all staff are made aware of these, including policies for capability, attendance management, disciplinary issues, grievances and redundancies.
  • To determine the school staffing requirements and establish the annual and longer term salary budgets and other costs relating to staffing matters e.g. training, in accordance with the budgets available.
  • To approve, monitor and review the school’s performance management policies and procedures and the implementation of the policies.  To ensure these policies comply with local and national requirements and that they relate to the school improvement/development processes and the continued professional development of school staff.
  • Monitor the operation and outcomes of performance management arrangements for all staff every year.
  • To ensure that opportunities and resources are available for continued professional development for all staff, and are implemented with reference to the School Improvement/Development Plan.
  • To review the staffing structure whenever a vacancy occurs, and at least annually, in relation to the School Improvement/Development Plan.
  • To review job descriptions and person specifications as appropriate.
  • To review all staffing related procedures, and adopt/recommend them for

      adoption, and to ensure that staff are informed of them.

  • To contribute to the School Improvement/Development Plan where appropriate.


Staffing powers in exceptional circumstances*


  1. The committee would only in exceptional circumstances make the appointments to posts outside the leadership group for the school.  The HT would make the appointments to posts outside the leadership group in normal circumstances and the governing body can nominate a representative to be on appointment panels for these appointments should they feel it appropriate.


  1. The committee would, only in exceptional circumstances make the initial decision to dismiss.  The HT has delegated responsibility to make initial dismissal decisions, unless particular circumstances apply whereby the head is unwilling or unable to perform these functions (e.g. they have been directly involved leading up to the dismissal), or there are serious concerns about the performance of the HT.



Associated Documents:

Local and National Conditions of Service regulations and policies.

All relevant employment legislation and directives (including equalities and discrimination legislation).

Safer Recruitment legislation and guidance.

Performance Management guidance

This list is not exhaustive.
