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Meet The Governors

Matt Vickers

I’m a Principal Consultant working in high hazard industries across the globe. I have been a Co-opted Governor at St John’s since 2017, and have enjoyed my role, and learning about the school very much. I am the Chair of Governors, I sit on the Health and Safety Sub-committee, and have enjoyed being able to use some of my industry experience in a different setting.

Gareth Thomas

I'm Gareth Thomas, the vicar for St John's church and a foundation governor for our school. It is a real pleasure to support our school both through my role as governor and as pastor, to care for both the staff and the children, as well as leading assemblies and services for them when we are able. My daughter did really well at St John's with both her academic and emotional needs being met by the school and it is great to see the school going from strength to strength.

Sarah Rubin

I am the Headteacher governor for St. John’s CE Primary School.  I have been the Headteacher for over 12 years now and thoroughly enjoy the role.  It is a privilege to work alongside colleagues, governors, parents, pupils and parish members and to see the school continue to thrive.  My background is in education, having secured a Bachelor of Education at Chester College, affiliated to Liverpool University, over twenty years ago. I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be a teacher and absolutely love my role and the variety of work that I get to do.


Karen Wain

Hi, I’m Karen. I joined the governors because I want to support the school to be the best that it can be. I have a varied background, including digital learning, music, outdoor activities, wellbeing and health & safety. I have a keen interest in how technology can support and enhance education and hope that I will be able to use my experience to contribute to St Johns.

Leila Nikroo

I’m Leila Nikroo. I am an ordained team assistant curate at St. John’s Pendlebury Church. I’m originally from Iran and I was a primary school teacher in Iran. I  like collaboration and teamwork with others and look forward to helping and supporting as I can as a governor. 

Megan Pemberton

I’m Megan and I have been on the Governing Body since September 2020 and have recently been re-elected as staff governor. I have taught in lower key stage 2 and key stage 1 at St. John's for 8 years as well as leading PE, PSHE and Rights Respecting Schools. I joined the Governors as I am passionate about making positive changes to support our school and children. I also want to ensure that staff at St. John's have a voice and that their input and feedback is supported as I know how important staff wellbeing is. 

John Bradshaw

I joined as the Local Authority (LA) Governor in February 2024. I have had a 50 year professional career in operation and organisational management in highly regulated industries and am a Chartered Engineer. I am committed to the success of the school and ensuring the best possible outcomes for everyone, by using my transferable skills and being a proactive member of the Governing Board. I look forward to the exciting times ahead.

Dr Jessica Gagnon

I’m Jessica Gagnon, an American who has called the UK home for over 13 years. I earned my PhD in Education and I work as a lecturer at the University of Manchester where my research is focused on equity and diversity in education. I’m especially interested in equity related to gender, race/ethnicity, social class, disability, and sexual identity. Some of my recent research has focused on encouraging more girls into STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics). I have also conducted research related to working class students’ experiences accessing higher education. My husband and I are new parents by adoption to a very energetic toddler. I am a new Governor and excited to contribute my time and expertise. Having grown up in working class family and accessed free school meals as a child, I am especially keen to support the educational success and outcomes of students who qualify for Pupil Premium.
